Saturday, April 14, 2012

Arrogant Bastard Ale (2 toasts)

Honestly, i might have given this 1 toast, but it gets an extra toast because the bottle is awesome.  The bottle declares,  "This is an aggressive ale.  You probably won't like it".  And, yeah, i don't like it.  It's just a big bottle of high alcohol content bitterness.  Kind of like my last breakup!  HA!  Anyway.  The two fun parts of this beer are the bottle (delightfully tongue in cheek...i think) and the alcohol content (7.2% in 22 fl oz!).  The taste just doesn't make it worthwhile, though (of course i drank all of it!).

So go read the bottle, but don't buy it, unless you enjoy an "unprecedented and uncompromising celebration of intensity".  I didn't.


Peter's Brand Classics Pilsner (3 toasts)

What an odd beer.  It was actually very dry and lemony and had some bitterness.  It was kind of the color of butter but was very light.  Made me feel nouveau riche drinking out of can from Germany.

It's a Dutch Style Pilsner (Lager) made in Germany.  I would check it out just for the hellavit, but I don't think I'd make a habit of drinking this beer.  I got it from Trader Joe's.  It was about a buck for one 16 oz can and 5% alcohol.


Monday, April 2, 2012

Old Thumper Ale (4 toasts)

I went to Yankee Pier in Santana Row with my Mom this weekend and had an Old Thumper.  I had to get it because of the name and the waiter said it was an old style English ale, which sounded intriguing.  It was originally made by Ringwood Brewery in England, but they contracted with Shipyard Brewing Company in Portland, Maine to bring it to the U.S.  It's a pretty enjoyable beer.  I had a fairly greasy meal, so it was pretty refreshing.  It is slightly hoppy and bitter and a little floral.  I probably wouldn't drink this on its own, but it's nicely balanced to pair with a good old English meal.  It comes in a huge bottle, but it's pretty low on the alcohol (about 5.6%), so go ahead and drink the whole thing!
